and loved unashamedly!

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Love... probably the most over used word within Christian circles but the practice of Love is definitely one that has been challenging me over the last few days.

I'm half way through my training week and with an other two days to go, I cant say I'm feeling overly 'prepared' to step into the most challenging role I have yet to face. But I don't feel completely overwhelmed either, which is good! The first day of training I was keen, the second day I was asking God all sorts of questions and today I feel honoured to serve the most vulnerable and excluded from our society, while still asking God a tonne of questions.

With all the training comes the warnings. The people who will be using the shelter will be mostly long-term rough sleepers. Entrenched mental illness, heroin and alcohol addiction will be the 'norm'. We are required to sign a death at work form, receive vaccination against Hepatitis and to be clear on procedure if stabbed with a needle. Which has happened to at least one member of staff a year since the project opened.
Its funny but its not been this part of the training which has concerned me. Its the 'show the practical love of God' clause in my Job Description.

A couple of years ago, God showed me what it was to be made in His image. At the time it answered my hearts cry regarding the most isolated from society. The addicts, the prostitutes, those who were continually on the fringe of main stream society. He opened my heart more to understand that even the heroin addict in the most desperate state, still reflects the glory and image of God. The prostitute who is with a punter, still reflects and mirrors Him. We, in our darkest moments still reflect or reproduce who He is.
Its not that the sin reflects Him, it doesn't. But it does reflect our need of Him.
We are never required to look at ourselves from an earthly point of view. Or to be aware of ourselves to the point that the world in us becomes more important than the One who saved us from it. We deal with sin, but its not looking at the sin that makes things different. Its looking above and on things that are heavenly and pure. The problem with sin is it so often distracts from the poetic ring of Justice. Justice is not condemning people, Justice is not confronting people with their depravity. We are not involved in bringing people to Justice. And sometimes with a warped view we think that's what we are called to do. We are not. We are called to bring people to the One who justifies and to treat them with the same mercies that Christ bestowed upon us.

Today, has been such a beautiful day of clarifying that for me. It should not matter what offence, legally or moral that people have committed. They still remain one of Abba Gods. One of those who He took the time to "fearfully and wonderfully make." He Loves them with an intense desire that sees them for who they really are. Yes, they may be heroin addicts, sex offenders, alcoholics, thieves, abusers but that's not who they were made to be. And God does not stop seeing them and burning for them because of the life they have forged for themselves.
I am not for one minute belittling the consequences of their lives. They hurt people, and they hurt themselves. And we have to be real about the possibility of getting hurt when working with people who require the type of service that is being provided. The reality is quite scary but I'm thankful that its not the only reality that I'm called to look at it. The other reality is one of hope, peace, prosperity and a future. While I work along side my team, I will be constantly reminded of that second, more real Reality; as four out of my 7 colleagues have used the exact same service that they will be ministering and working in. The potential for peace in chaotic lives is a real possibility and I hang onto that.

The love of God looks like people. Looks like you and me. Its not some feeling that we stir up. We were all made with love, so we all reflect Him who is Love. Its showing compassion to those who don't receive it and take advantage of it when they do. Its an understanding that Love covers a multitude of sin. "Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins [forgives and disregards the offenses of others]" 1 Peter 4:8

He cannot disregard sin, but He loves His creation too much for it to get in the way of Him loving them.

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